Future of CARES Seminar
Date(s) - December 6, 2024
11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Date(s) - December 6, 2024
11:00 am - 4:30 pm
Categories No Categories
Friday 6 December
Venue: CREATE L2, CREATE Tower
Time: 11am – 4:30pm
11am -12pm: Exhibition
12pm – 2pm: Lunch and exhibition
2pm – 3:30pm:
– Welcome Address by Prof Markus Kraft (15mins)
– HD4 presented by Prof Nick Wareham (15mins)
– HYCOMBS presented by Prof Epaminondas Mastorakos (15mins)
– SM3 presented by Prof Chiba Shunsuke (15mins)
– Q&A session (15mins)
– Prof Markus Kraft will share his plans after stepping down as CARES Director (15mins)
3:30pm – 4:30pm: Refreshments and networking
Register on this page or click the button on the sidebar.
About this event:
CARES is excited to share our new projects for the coming year in a seminar. Before the seminar, we will also have an exhibition showcasing two spin-offs (EMICAST and Chemical Data Intelligence) and a few digital use cases from The World Avatar (TWA) dynamic knowledge graph project. We invite guests to our event to speak with the researchers and PIs from our existing and upcoming projects. Please join us for a day of CARES research as we celebrate the future!
Health-Driven Design for Cities (HD4) will create a comprehensive systems view of how the urban environment affects population health. This will be presented by Prof Nick Wareham.
CARES is also hosting two projects in NRF’s new Decarbonisation programme: Hydrogen and ammonia combustion in Singapore (HYCOMBS) and Sustainable Manufacture of Molecules and Materials in Singapore (SM3). This will be presented by Prof Epaminondas Mastorakos and Prof Chiba Shunsuke respectively.