Research by CARES members Prof. Markus Kraft (University of Cambridge), Prof. Xu Rong and Dr Sheng Yuan (both NTU) has won an award at the 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) in Singapore.

Dr Sheng Yuan won the best oral presentation award for his presentation ‘One-step flame synthesis of phosphorous-doped Ni-Fe/C nanocomposite films for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction’ on 28 June 2019. The ICMAT conference hosted 3,500 attendees and 45 technical symposia, with one top oral presentation selected for each symposium.

Dr Sheng receiving his award on stage with Nobel laureate Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and other award winners. 


Dr Sheng works in CARES’ Singapore lab and is part of the C4T programme. His main research interest is the scalable synthesis of nanomaterials for energy and environmental technologies.

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