In this series, we follow up with former graduates or researchers of CARES. Here, Casper Lindberg shares his experiences of living and working in Singapore during his PhD. 


An edited version of this article first appeared in the January issue of CEB Focus, the newsletter of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CEB) at University of Cambridge. Read the original article in the newsletter here:


My research focused on investigating the flame synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles using detailed population balance models. I developed a particle model that captures detailed morphological information and the crystal phase of aggregate particles.

The Cambridge-CARES programme gave me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with people from all ends of the world. Working in Singapore provided an opportunity to see and experience somewhere different as my higher education has been at Cambridge since undergraduate level. One highlight of my time in Singapore was the delicious food and wonderful places to visit around Southeast Asia.

I was also able to collaborate with people I wouldn’t have met in Cambridge, like a visiting PhD student from Tsinghua University. The collaboration led to a number of papers and has continued after the student’s return to Beijing.

After graduating, I stayed at CARES and am now a Research Fellow working on the Cities Knowledge Graph project.


Casper’s PhD was supported by Venator and the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore, under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) programme. 

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