• 04 Aug 2021

    CARES research shortlisted for Science Breakthrough of the Year

    Professor Markus Kraft is a finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year.

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  • 03 Aug 2021

    A molecular dance that could eliminate soot pollution

    A hidden molecular dance could hold the answer to the problem of soot pollution.

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  • 28 Jul 2021

    Carbon Journal Thesis Prize awarded to CARES PhD student

    CARES PhD student Dr Jacob Martin has received the 2021 Carbon Journal Thesis Prize.

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  • 15 Jul 2021

    CARES alumni series: Jacob Martin

    Jacob Martin shares his experiences of living and working in Singapore during his PhD.

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  • 30 Jun 2021

    CARES alumni series: Astrid Boje

    Astrid Boje shares her experiences of living and working in Singapore during her PhD.

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  • 25 Jun 2021

    IQ tests can’t measure it, but ‘cognitive flexibility’ is key to learning and creativity

    Researchers from CLIC have published an article about cognitive flexibility on The Conversation.

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  • 22 Jun 2021

    CARES alumni series: Casper Lindberg

    Casper Lindberg shares his experiences of living and working in Singapore during his PhD.

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  • 27 Apr 2021

    CARES and CDI co-fund a PhD project on data mining for circular economy

    A warm welcome to Adarsh Arun, who has started his PhD in Chemical Engineering at CARES.

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  • 06 Apr 2021

    CARES alumni series: Manoel Manuputty

    Manoel Manuputty shares his experiences of living and working in Singapore during his PhD. 

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  • 05 Mar 2021

    CARES joins the Singapore-ETH Centre in the Cooling Singapore project

    CARES has partnered with the Singapore-ETH Centre for the next phase of Cooling Singapore.

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