Xiaochi ZHOU
PhD Student
Xiaochi was a PhD student with the Computational Modelling Group at the University of Cambridge and a member of Fitzwilliam College. He received a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) at Nanyang Technological University in 2016. Between 2016 and 2019 he worked at CARES as a Software Engineer on the JPS project and completed his PhD via the Cambridge-CARES studentships.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
- Semantic Web technologies
- Knowledge Graphs
- Natural language processing
- Question Answering systems
- Blockchain technologies.
Key Publications
Google Scholar Link
Zhou, Xiaochi, Daniel Nurkowski, Angiras Menon, Jethro Akroyd, Sebastian Mosbach, and Markus Kraft. 2022. ‘Question Answering System for Chemistry—A Semantic Agent Extension’. Digital Chemical Engineering 3 (June): 100032.
Zhou, Xiaochi, Daniel Nurkowski, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft. 2021. ‘Question Answering System for Chemistry’. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 61 (8): 3868–80.
Mosbach, Sebastian, Angiras Menon, Feroz Farazi, Nenad Krdzavac, Xiaochi Zhou, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft. 2020. ‘Multiscale Cross-Domain Thermochemical Knowledge-Graph’. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 60 (12): 6155–66.
Zhou, Xiaochi, Mei Qi Lim, and Markus Kraft. 2020. ‘A Smart Contract-Based Agent Marketplace for the J-Park Simulator - a Knowledge Graph for the Process Industry’. Computers & Chemical Engineering 139 (August): 106896.
Zhou, Xiaochi, Andreas Eibeck, Mei Qi Lim, Nenad B. Krdzavac, and Markus Kraft. 2019. ‘An Agent Composition Framework for the J-Park Simulator - A Knowledge Graph for the Process Industry’. Computers & Chemical Engineering 130 (November): 106577.