
Dr Quang Thang Victor TRINH
Research Fellow
Dr Trinh was a Research Fellow on the now-complete eCO2EP project.
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Huynh, Kim Anh, Dang Le Tri Nguyen, Van‐Huy Nguyen, Dai‐Viet N. Vo, Quang Thang Trinh, Thang Phan Nguyen, Soo Young Kim, and Quyet Van Le. 2020. “Halide Perovskite Photocatalysis: Progress and Perspectives.” Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, February, jctb.6342.
Liu, Guanyu, Parvathala Reddy Narangari, Quang Thang Trinh, Wenguang Tu, Markus Kraft, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, et al. 2021. “Manipulating Intermediates at the Au–TiO 2 Interface over InP Nanopillar Array for Photoelectrochemical CO 2 Reduction.” ACS Catalysis 11 (18): 11416–28.
Tekalgne, Mahider Asmare, Khiem Van Nguyen, Dang Le Tri Nguyen, Van-Huy Nguyen, Thang Phan Nguyen, Dai-Viet N. Vo, Quang Thang Trinh, et al. 2020. “Hierarchical Molybdenum Disulfide on Carbon Nanotube–Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Paper as Efficient Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 823 (May): 153897.
Trinh, Quang Thang, Arghya Banerjee, Khursheed B. Ansari, Duy Quang Dao, Asmaa Drif, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Dang Thanh Tung, et al. 2020. “Upgrading of Bio-Oil from Biomass Pyrolysis: Current Status and Future Development.” In Biorefinery of Alternative Resources: Targeting Green Fuels and Platform Chemicals, edited by Sonil Nanda, Dai-Viet N. Vo, and Prakash Kumar Sarangi, 317–53. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Trinh, Quang Thang, Kartavya Bhola, Prince Nana Amaniampong, François Jérôme, and Samir H. Mushrif. 2018. “Synergistic Application of XPS and DFT to Investigate Metal Oxide Surface Catalysis.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (39): 22397–406.
Van Hien, Pham, Nguyen Si Hoai Vu, Lai Xuan Bach, Ngoc Quyen Tran, Vinh Ai Dao, Quang Thang Trinh, and Nguyen Dang Nam. 2019. “Capability of Aganonerion Polymorphum Leaf-Water Extract in Protecting Hydrochloric Acid Induced Steel Corrosion.” New Journal of Chemistry, September.