
Dr Yubo CHEN
Research Fellow
Dr Chen obtained his bachelor degree in 2010 from the College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech). He received his PhD in 2015 investigating perovskites for oxygen reduction reaction from the College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech) under the supervision of Prof Shao Zongping. He was a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University and CARES under Prof Zhichuan Jason Xu's research group.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
The development of electrocatalysis for water oxidation.
Key Publications
Google Scholar Link
Li, Haiyan, Yubo Chen, Justin Zhu Yeow Seow, Chuntai Liu, Adrian C. Fisher, Joel W. Ager, and Zhichuan J. Xu. 2022. “Surface Reconstruction of Perovskites for Water Oxidation: The Role of Initial Oxides’ Bulk Chemistry.” Small Science 2 (1): 2100048.
An, Li, Chao Wei, Min Lu, Hanwen Liu, Yubo Chen, Günther G. Scherer, Adrian C. Fisher, Pinxian Xi, Zhichuan J. Xu, and Chun‐Hua Yan. 2021. “Recent Development of Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts in Acidic Environment.” Advanced Materials, March, 2006328.
Duan, Yan, Jun Yan Lee, Shibo Xi, Yuanmiao Sun, Jingjie Ge, Samuel Jun Hoong Ong, Yubo Chen, et al. 2021. “Anodic Oxidation Enabled Cation Leaching for Promoting Surface Reconstruction in Water Oxidation.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (13): 7418–25.
Chen, Yubo, Yuanmiao Sun, Maoyu Wang, Jingxian Wang, Haiyan Li, Shibo Xi, Chao Wei, et al. 2021. “Lattice Site–Dependent Metal Leaching in Perovskites toward a Honeycomb-like Water Oxidation Catalyst.” Science Advances 7 (50): eabk1788.
Li, Haiyan, Yubo Chen, Shibo Xi, Jingxian Wang, Shengnan Sun, Yuanmiao Sun, Yonghua Du, and Zhichuan J. Xu. 2018. “Degree of Geometric Tilting Determines the Activity of FeO 6 Octahedra for Water Oxidation.” Chemistry of Materials 30 (13): 4313–20.
Yinlong Zhu, Wei Zhou, Jie Yu, Yubo Chen, Meilin Liu, and Zongping Shao. 2016. Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity of Perovskite Oxides by Tuning Cation Deficiency for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions, Chemistry of Materials, 28(6), 1691-1697, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b04457