
Senior Research Fellow
Arkadiusz has contributed to the CARES research on multiple levels - architecting complex computer programs and system integrations as well as describing research results in papers that were published in high quality peer reviewed journals.
During the course of his employment he authored and co-authored 20 papers published in high quality peer reviewed scientific journals. His notable contributions were leading Dispersion Modelling and Cities Knowledge Graph projects that required to showcase novel and innovative approaches to complex distributed knowledge representation computer systems.
He was able to collaborate between team members located in multiple timezones and organisations. Arkadiusz defined concepts of dynamic geospatial knowledge graphs that have a potential to evolve into next generation of web systems and aid solving most pressing scientific problems while minimising risks of deliberate misinformation. While working on research projects he showed understanding of the current artificial intelligence technologies, including machine learning and description logics for semantic web technologies.
While at CARES, Arkadiusz contributed to the internal department process improvements, by implementation of code versioning system and standardisation of software documentation adopting UML. He also used web based agile project management system to keep track of the research and development team members’ tasks and designed a framework for intelligent software agents on cognitive architecture that reduced development time on multiple research protects while maintaining best practices for cybersecurity.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
Key Publications
ResearchGate Profile
Eibeck, Andreas, Arkadiusz Chadzynski, Mei Qi Lim, Kevin Aditya, Laura Ong, Aravind Devanand, Gourab Karmakar, et al. 2020. ‘A Parallel World Framework for Scenario Analysis in Knowledge Graphs’. Data-Centric Engineering 1 (July): e6.
Farazi, Feroz, Maurin Salamanca, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, Andreas Eibeck, Leonardus Kevin Aditya, Arkadiusz Chadzynski, et al. 2020. ‘Knowledge Graph Approach to Combustion Chemistry and Interoperability’. ACS Omega 5 (29): 18342–48.
Chadzynski, Arkadiusz, Nenad Krdzavac, Feroz Farazi, Mei Qi Lim, Shiying Li, Ayda Grisiute, Pieter Herthogs, Aurel von Richthofen, Stephen Cairns, and Markus Kraft. 2021. ‘Semantic 3D City Database — An Enabler for a Dynamic Geospatial Knowledge Graph’. Energy and AI 6 (December): 100106.
Chadzynski, Arkadiusz, Shiying Li, Ayda Grisiute, Feroz Farazi, Casper Lindberg, Sebastian Mosbach, Pieter Herthogs, and Markus Kraft. 2022. ‘Semantic 3D City Agents—An Intelligent Automation for Dynamic Geospatial Knowledge Graphs’. Energy and AI 8 (May): 100137.