
Software Developer
Dr Karthik Nagarajan received his Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2016 and his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the same university in 2020. His thesis was focussed on polymer translocation through a nanopore.
Subsequently, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign from 2020 to 2022. His postdoctoral research was focussed on agent-based modelling of microbial communities.
Subsequently, he joined CARES, where he worked on integrating air quality and urban climate models with The World Avatar dynamic knowledge graph. This involved implementing efficient algorithms to query the required information from graph databases.
He also developed a dataset of waste heat emissions from various industries in mainland Singapore and integrated it with an existing buildings database using optimized near-neighbour finding algorithms. This dataset was used to parameterize and validate the Digital Urban Climate Twin, developed as part of the Cooling Singapore project.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
- Dissipative particle dynamics
- Lattice boltzmann method
- Langevin dynamics
- Dispersion modelling
Key Publications
Google Scholar Link
Nagarajan, K., Chen, S.B., “Polyelectrolyte Translocation through a Corrugated Nanopore,” Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 2020, 2000042.
Nagarajan, K., Chen, S.B., “Star Polymer Translocation into a Spheroidal Cavity,” Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 2020, 2000032.
Nagarajan, K., Chen, S.B., “Polyelectrolyte Translocation through a Tortuous Nanopore,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 9031-9037, 2019.
Nagarajan, K., Chen, S.B., “Flow-Induced Translocation of Star Polymers through a Nanopore,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 7919-7925, 2019.
Nagarajan, K., Chen, S.B., “Translocation of Star Polyelectrolytes through a Nanopore,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 3124-3134, 2019.