Dr Xiaomin Michelle FAN
Research Fellow
Dr. Fan Xiaomin received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Shanghai Fudan University (China) in 2021 and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Financial Management from Xiamen University (China). Her Ph.D. thesis is titled “The Role of Corporate Status on Negative Rumor, Clarification Strategy and Clarification Effect.” Her research interests lie in entrepreneurship and innovation (e.g. venture capitals), social approval assets (e.g. reputation and status), and other interdisciplinary research on strategic management and corporate finance.
At CARES, she worked with Prof Kenneth Huang on a project at NUS that analyses how VC investment influences the pollution behaviour of firms in the chemical and energy-intensive sectors in China. During her project, she conducted a comparative analysis of VC investment behaviour and influence on clean technology industries in Singapore and China.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
- Venture capital
- Sustainability
- Social network
Key Publications
Qiao, X., Song, L., & Fan, X. (2022). How do zombie firms affect innovation: from the perspective of credit resources distortion. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature, 36(1), 67-87.