
Prof Poh Seng LEE
Principal Investigator
Prof PS Lee obtained his BEng (1st Class Honors) and MEng from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore and was a Senior Tutor with the same department from 1999 to 2001. He then proceeded to obtain his PhD degree from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA in 2007.His current research interests include microfluidics and microscale heat transfer, high performance thermal management techniques (in particular microchannel single- and two-phase cooling) and hybrid solar energy harvesting systems. His work were published in top international journals and widely cited. One of his papers won the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Most Cited Papers Award for 2005-2008.
In addition, he developed various novel and effective passive techniques for enhancing the heat transfer performance of microchannel heat sinks and mitigating the critical issues of hotspots and large temperature gradients in electronics devices and holds 2 US patents related to these efforts. He is also the recipient of various awards including the 2009 Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award, 2011 Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit Top 10 Defense Energy Technology Solutions Award and the 2011 Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award.
Prof Lee was a PI for the C4T programme.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
- Microfluidics
- Microscale heat transfer
- Advanced thermal management techniques. in particular enhanced single and two-phase micro/mini-channel cooling
- Clean/renewable energy
- Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal systems and internal combustion engine fueled by biofuels and fuel blend
Key Publications
Google Scholar Link
Mai, T.T., Lai, C.Q., Zheng, H., Balasubramanian, K., Leong, K.C., Lee, P.S., Lee, C., Choi, W.K., Dynamics of wicking in silicon nanopillars fabricated with interference lithography and metal-assisted chemical etching, (2012) Langmuir, 28 (31), pp. 11465-11471.
Lee, Y.J., Lee, P.S., Chou, S.K., Enhanced thermal transport in microchannel using oblique fins, (2012) Journal of Heat Transfer, 134 (10), art. no. 101901.
Alam, T., Lee, P.S., Yap, C.R., Jin, L., Experimental investigation of local flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in microgap channel, (2012) International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 42, pp. 164-174.
Teo, H.G., Lee, P.S., Hawlader, M.N.A., An active cooling system for photovoltaic modules (2012) Applied Energy, 90 (1), pp. 309-315.
Sui, Y., Teo, C.J., Lee, P.S., Direct numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in periodic wavy channels with rectangular cross-sections, (2012) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (1-3), pp. 73-88.
Sui, Y., Lee, P.S., Teo, C.J., An experimental study of flow friction and heat transfer in wavy microchannels with rectangular cross section, (2011) International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 50 (12), pp. 2473-2482.
Balasubramanian, K., Lee, P.S., Jin, L.W., Chou, S.K., Teo, C.J., Gao, S., Experimental investigations of flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in straight and expanding microchannels – A comparative study, (2011) International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 50 (12), pp. 2413-2421.
Sui, Y., Teo, C.J., Lee, P.S., Chew, Y.T., Shu, C., Fluid flow and heat transfer in wavy microchannels, (2010) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (13-14), pp. 2760-2772.
Jones, B.J., Lee, P.-S., Garimella, S.V., Infrared micro-particle image velocimetry measurements and predictions of flow distribution in a microchannel heat sink, (2008) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (7-8), pp. 1877-1887.
Lee, P.-S., Garimella, S.V., Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in silicon microchannel arrays, (2008) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (3-4), pp. 789-806.
Lee, P.-S., Garimella, S.V., Thermally developing flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannels of different aspect ratios, (2006) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49 (17-18), pp. 3060-3067.
Liu, D., Lee, P.-S., Garimella, S.V., Prediction of the onset of nucleate boiling in microchannel flow, (2005) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48 (25-26), pp. 5134-5149.
Liu, D., Lee, P.-S., Garimella, S.V., Nucleate boiling in microchannels, (2005) Journal of Heat Transfer, 127 (8), p. 803.
Lee, P.-S., Garimella, S.V., Liu, D., Investigation of heat transfer in rectangular microchannels, (2005) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48 (9), pp. 1688-1704.