Dr Mohamed Fadhel AYACHI
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Fadhel Ayachi is a Senior Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University. He joined Energy Research Institute @NTU and the Thermal Energy Systems Lab @NTU in 2017; he has been working on a novel zero-emission concept of cryo-cogeneration system for cooling and power applications, in particular Data Centre. In 2020, Dr Ayachi carried out a Cold-Economy study for Singapore and for the developing countries in Southeast Asia by developing predictive algorithms for optimal design, planning and integration of diversified energy systems. In 2022, he carried out a heat integration and optimisation study that explores the different solutions that can be undertaken in the city state of Singapore to minimise the energy consumption of the conceptual SPERA-based Hydrogen production facility. In March 2023, he joined CARES to focus on the development and assessment of LNG and LH2 cold utilisation strategies for Singapore; the work also targets to contribute to an economically-feasible pathway for the Hydrogen supply chain.
In the past, Dr Ayachi was assigned to PROMES–CNRS (Processes, Materials and Solar Energy) in France (2010 – 2013) and to the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in France (2014 – 2016). During this period, his work focused on the low- and medium-grade Waste Heat Recovery processes as well as Thermo-Electric Energy Storage by means of CO2 transcritical cycles.
Past Members
Past Members
Research Interest
- Hydrogen Supply Chain
- Hydrogen technologies
- Cryogenic polygeneration
- Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES)
- Energy storage
- Low and medium grade waste heat recovery processes
Key Publications
Ayachi, F.; Yang, L.; Romagnoli, A. Cryogenic Cogeneration System for Cooling & Power Applications. Gastech Exhibition & Conference, Milan, 2022
Ayachi, F.; Yang, L.; Dal Magro, F.; Meneghetti, A.; Romagnoli, A. Assessment of LNG Cold Energy utilization for Road Vehicles and Data-Centres cooling using Liquid Air. Energy Procedia 2019, 158, 5047-5052.
Sze, J.Y.; Mu, C.; Ayachi, F.; Yang, L. Romagnoli, A. Tay, B.K. Highly efficient nanofiller based on carboxylated graphene oxide in phase change materials for cold thermal energy storage. Energy Procedia 2018, 152, 198-203.
Ayachi, F.; Yang, L.; Sze, J.Y.; Romagnoli, A. Cryogenic polygeneration for green data centre. Energy Procedia 2018, 152, 15-20.
Ayachi, F.; Tauveron, N.; Tartière, T.; Colasson, S.; Nguyen, D. Thermo-Electric Energy Storage involving CO2 transcritical cycles and ground heat storage. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016, 108, 1418–1428.
Ayachi, F.; Boulawz Ksayer, E.; Neveu, P.; Zoughaib, A. Experimental investigation and modeling of a hermetic Scroll Expander. Applied Energy 2016, 181, 256–267.
Ayachi, F.; Tauveron, N.; Tartière, T.; Colasson, S.; Nguyen, D. Thermo-Electric Energy Storage using CO2 transcritical cycles and ground heat storage. Proceedings of the International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT), Costa del Sol, 2016.
Ayachi, F.; Tartière, T.; Tauveron, N.; Colasson, S.; Nguyen, D. Investigation of a massive electricity storage system by means of a geothermal heat transfer process involving CO2 transcritical cycles. Proceedings of the ASME International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Brussels, 2015.
Neveu, P.; Ayachi, F.; Leray, C.; Azoumah. Y. Optimal integration of Rankine cycles in concentrated solar power plant. Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS), Pau, 2015.
Ayachi, F.; Boulawz Ksayer, E.; Zoughaib, A.; Neveu, P. ORC optimization for medium grade heat recovery. Energy 2014, 68, 47–56.
Ayachi, F.; Boulawz Ksayer, E.; Mazet, N.; Neveu, P.; Zoughaib, A.; Cardon, G. ORC system performances for medium grade heat recovery. Proceedings of the Heat Powered Cycles conference (HPC), Alkmaar, 2012.
Ayachi, F.; Boulawz Ksayer, E.; Neveu, P. Exergy assessment of recovery solutions from dry and moist gas available at medium temperature. Energies 2012, 5, 718–730.
Ayachi, F.; Mazet, N.; Neveu, P.; Boulawz Ksayer, E.; Zoughaib, A.; Cardon, G. Exergy assessment of recovery solutions from dry and moist gas available at medium temperature. Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS), Novi Sad, 2011, 3831–3841.
Dr Ayachi has filed two patents on Cryogenic Energy System for Cooling and Powering an Indoor Environment.
FaEP 4073357 (2022)
US 2023/0019959 A1 (2023)