
Prof Kaoru MARUTA

Principal Investigator

Prof Kaoru Maruta received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Sophia University in 1988, and his PhD degree in 1993. He is Professor, Director of the Institute of Fluid Science, and Vice President of Tohoku University (Japan).

He has published more than 130 refereed journal articles. He served as a Program Co-Chair of the Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Combustion at Warsaw, Poland (2012). He is a founding fellow of the Combustion Institute. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Combustion Institute and the Institute for Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. He is the Vice Chair of the Japanese Section of the Combustion Institute. He serves as an Associate Editor of Combustion Science and Technology and Editorial Board member of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science.




Research Interest

Prof Maruta’s research interests include sustainable fuels, their kinetics and energy conversion in the areas of near limit and micro-scale combustion, microgravity combustion and high exergy efficiency combustion, hyper lean burn SI engine technology and fire safety for battery electrolyte and refrigerants.

Key Publications


2015 Prizes for Science and Technology of the Minister of Education, Japan
2013 Ichimura Academic Award
2011 Best paper Award from the Japanese Section of the Combustion Institute
2001 Young Investigator Award
1999 Young Investigator Award of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion