The World Avatar™
The World Avatar™ project is the brainchild of CARES Director Prof Markus Kraft. The initial research and development of the core knowledge graph technology started within the Cambridge Centre for Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technologies (C4T) programme under the first use case called “J-Park Simulator (JPS)”.
JPS used Singapore’s Jurong Island as a case study to bring together cross-domain modelling and data storage with an ontology-based expert system to assess the multi-dimensional impact of different ‘what if’ scenarios.
With the success of JPS, the ambition of creating interconnected digital replicas grew from representing industrial processes in an eco-industrial park to a general world model which could represent any complex system.
This became The World Avatar™ which has since expanded to address several research & commercial issues relating to digital interoperability. The World Avatar™ provides clear, visual information to support optimisation, decision-making and scenario analysis for molecular reactions, building management, electricity grid analysis, city resilience, and more.
The key contributors to this ongoing project are CARES, Computational Modelling Group (CoMo), Computational Modelling Cambridge Ltd. (CMCL), and Computational Modelling Pirmasens GmbH (CMPG). Click the button below to visit The World Avatar™ website which has more information on the project’s aims, technologies, use cases, and demos.
C4T is supported by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) programme.